Know Before Your Next Visit to the Tukwila Pool
First row of parking along east side of Tukwila Pool is reserved for Tukwila Pool patrons.
Additional overflow parking is available in the main Foster High School parking lot, secondary Foster parking lot on the corner of 42nd Ave & 142nd St, and Showalter Middle School.

General Use Waiver
New to the Tukwila Pool?
Please follow this link to create an account in our membership software, Amilia. Upon successfully verifying your account, please return here to complete your General Use Registration and Waiver Form.
Returning Customers: Please complete your annual waiver.
All pool patrons 18+ must have a completed General Use Waiver on file to enjoy are pool.
Once the online waiver is submitted, you will receive and email from ‘Adobe Sign’. Click on the small blue ‘Confirm my email address’ button to finalize the waiver.
Lap Swim Etiquette
Lap lanes are open to swimmers of various speeds & abilities and other water fitness activities, please be respectful and ready to share a lane.
When entering a lane that is occupied, ensure that your presence is known by entering the water and letting the swimmer turn before starting to swim. Please don’t jump on another swimmer.
When there are just 2 swimmers in a lane, please split the lane by swimming back and forth on one side of the lane.
If 3 or more people are in a lane, circle swimming will be necessary.
- If a swimmer taps you on the foot, they want to pass. Passing mid-pool is discouraged. Consider passing at the end of the pool.
- When circle swimming, keep to the right, swimming counterclockwise, and pass on the left.
- When stopping at the end of the pool, rest in the corners. Do not rest in the center of the wall.
- Please do not stop in the middle of the lane when circle swimming.
Lanes 1 & 6 are the preferred lanes to be utilized by water walkers and other forms of aquatic exercise. When busy, water walkers may be asked to share lanes with lap swimmers.
Be Nice! Please be kind to your fellow swimmers and be courteous to the lifeguard if they suggest a lane change for you. We are all here to enjoy the pool.
Pool Rules
TPMPD Employees (Staff) are authorized to enforce rules and supervise the public use of the pool facility. Please follow all rules and respect Staff’s efforts to keep all patrons safe.
- A Staff lifeguard must be actively guarding whenever patrons are present in the pool area (includes the spectator area/bleachers, pool deck, and pool water).
- Staff may ask Patrons (any person in the pool water) to perform a swim test before entering the deep-end area, using the diving board and/or slide. See Section 5 for additional rules regarding the swim test.
- Adult Supervision: Children six (6) years of age and younger or under forty-eight (48) inches in height must be directly supervised by an adult in the water and be always within an arm’s length distance.
- A maximum of three (3) children six (6) years of age or under are permitted in the water per adult.
- Baby attire: Infants and toddlers must wear plastic pants or swimming diapers.
- Diapers must be changed in designated diaper changing areas or restrooms.
- Non-swimmers (Patrons who are unable to pass the swim test) cannot go beyond shoulder depth water.
- Non-swimmers may be allowed in the five (5) foot to five (5) foot six (6) inches swimming areas only when accompanied by an adult and within arm’s length distance.
- Non-swimmers utilizing the five (5) foot to five (5) foot six (6) inches swimming area are encouraged to use a life jacket and must be accompanied by an adult and within arm’s length distance.
- Patrons using Life Jackets:
- Must be fitted appropriately to the patron. Staff are available to assist patrons in size selection and fit.
- Must be supervised from the water by an adult at all times and remain within arm’s length distance.
- May participate in water activities taking place in depths no more than five (5) foot six (6) inches.
- Patrons with a history of seizures, heart, or circulatory problems are advised to swim with a buddy.
- Diseases and illness: Patrons with communicable diseases or illnesses within the last two (2) weeks shall not use the pool. This may include but is not limited to persons having skin lesions, sore or inflamed eyes, mouth, nose or ear discharge or diarrhea or vomiting.
- All Patrons must shower before entering the pool.
- Patrons wearing diapers need to have tight fitting protective covering to prevent contamination. Diapers must be changed in restrooms or locker rooms.
- Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use are prohibited.
- Food and drink in designated areas only. No gum or glass containers allowed anywhere on the premises.
- Spectators are welcome in the designated areas.
- Running, horseplay or pushing is not allowed.
- No diving in shallow water. Diving is only allowed from the deck in designated areas under direct supervision. (A yellow line marks the diving area and a red line marks the non-diving area.)
- Use of masks, fins, snorkels, boats/oars, floatation mats, noodles, other water toys, lap swim/water exercise/instruction equipment must be approved by the Staff. See Section 6 for additional rules regarding water toys and equipment use.
- Report all accidents and incidents immediately to Staff.
- Additional rules may be required, when necessary, for the safety and enjoyment of the Patron.
- Patrons who fail to comply with facility rules or instructions from Staff may be required to leave the facility.