Message sent to TPMPD Employees on 8/30/2024: Gooooooooooood Afternoon Team, Earlier this week we had an issue with the boiler. The pool got chilly, then it got cold. Then the power went out on Tuesday for a couple hours. When it rains it pours! So we closed down the pool for those two days. I want to give a big shout out to the team that worked those two days; Favio, Oliver, and Qiamadeen. With the pool closure, they scrubbed the entire pool deck using the new spray system, detailed out both locker rooms, and cleaned the break room and transformed it to a storage room. The facility looks great! Your hard work is appreciated! Cheers, Matthew Sunderman Tukwila Pool Leadership Staff (left to right): Brad Harpin, Matthew Sunderman, Kristine Selleck, Anastasiya Shapiro